As the founder, owner and CEO of Adkins Capital Management, Mr. Adkins has written more than 25 published articles that address a wide range of topics such as residential real estate, raw land valuation, retirement, investment products, financial analysis, and public policy. Mr. Adkins has written articles that have been published by Forbes, Investor’s Business Daily, Financial Edge, Yahoo, and Investopedia. In addition, Mr. Adkins has written articles that have been published by more than 230 news organizations worldwide. The following information is a sample listing of our publications.
When Owning Your Home Doesn’t Pay – (published as the lead story on the Yahoo main page)–This article explains why many people should rent rather than buy a home.
Will You Break Even On Your Home? –This article explains how to calculate the interest rate amount in which a home needs to appreciate in value each year in order to offset the costs associated with owning a home.
How To Invest in Land – This article provides investors with a better understanding about the practicality of owning land and of running a land-based business venture. In addition, the article helps investors understand the specific types of land-related investment options that are available via exchange traded funds and exchange traded notes.
Forbes Publications
Bitcoin Innovations and Obstacles – (published by Forbes and over 230 news organizations worldwide) – This article explains the development of the Bitcoin digital currency system and explains the risks associated with using this new type of high-tech crypto-currency.
What The National Debt Means To You – (published by Forbes and over 225 news organizations worldwide) – This article explains the problems associated with using the traditional methods for assessing the national debt level, and explains five ways in which the national debt level directly affects your everyday life.
Redefining Investor Risk –This article explains the different ways in which investment risk can be defined and explains why risk cannot be reduced by lengthening the investment time horizon.
Five Resources for Learning to Retire Rich –This article identifies five investment resources that will enhance your financial literacy and provides direction for helping you adequately prepare for retirement.
Risks To Consider Before Investing In Bonds – This articles explains the inverse relationship between bond prices and interest rates and brings to light the true implications of interest rate risk.
Six Problems With 401k Plans – (published by 150+ news organizations worldwide) – This article brings to attention six problems with employer-sponsored defined contribution plans.
The Defined-Benefit Plan’s Many Problems – (published by the San Francisco Chronicle) – This article explains why it is impossible to accurately calculate the pension benefit obligation, pension liability amount, and funded status of a defined benefit plan.
How U.S. Election News Affects The Dow – This article explains the relationship between US politics, election news, and the performance of the Dow.
Counties That Use The U.S. Dollar – This article provides an overview of the territories and countries that use the U.S. dollar as their official or quasi-official currency.
How To Start A Hedge Fund In The United States – This article provides a general overview of how to start a hedge fund firm in the United States, including complying with state and federal regulations.
An Introduction To The Dow Jones Industrial Average –This article provides an overview of the characteristics of the Dow Jones Industrial Average Index, and provides an overview of the basic investment strategies that can be implemented by utilizing investment options that track the performance of this price-weighted benchmark proxy.
Which Mutual Fund Style Index Is For You? – This article explains how the Russell Investments and MSCI Barra style classification systems can help you pick the right investment options.
Active Management: Is It Working For You? –This article provides an overview of the typical benchmarks that are utilized by investors and provides an overview of the six characteristics of valid benchmark proxies.
A Simplified Approach To Calculating Volatility – This article explains the problems associated with using standard deviation to measure investment risk, and teaches people how to construct a histogram in order to generate a more accurate measure of investment volatility.
The Optimal Use Of Financial Leverage In A Corporate Capital Structure – This article provides an overview of the factors that need to be taken into account when establishing a company’s capital structure.
Why Forward Contracts Are The Foundation Of All Derivatives – This article provides an overview of forward contracts and the concept of interest-rate parity, and explains how currency forward contracts can be used in order to implement a covered interest arbitrage strategy.
Warding Off Hostile Takeovers – This article provides a general overview of the basic defense strategies that can be used by the management of potential target companies in order to deter unwanted acquisition advances.
Financial Statement Manipulation, An Ever-Present Problem For Investors – This article explains why corporate managers manipulate financial statements and provides an overview of the accounting methods that they utilize to further their objectives.
The SEC’s EDGAR System: Use It Fearlessly! – This article explains how to navigate the SEC’s EDGAR database system in order to review corporate filing information on a real-time basis.
The Link Between the Fed, Money, Debt and Taxes –This article explains why the assets on the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet, the money supply level, the national debt level, and economic production should be maintained in equilibrium.
Political Pressure Key Factor In Pension Crisis – (published by the Frankfort State Journal) – This column explains the primary cause of the unfunded pension liabilities for the Kentucky Retirement Systems and the Kentucky Teachers’ Retirement System.
Permanently Solving Pension Crisis Requires Tough Choices – (published by the Frankfort State Journal) – This column explains how the Kentucky Retirement Systems and the Kentucky Teachers’ Retirement System need to be redesigned in order to place the retirement systems on proper financial footing.
Benefit Reductions Necessary To Save Pension System – (published by the Frankfort State Journal) – This column explains how the pension crisis for the Kentucky Retirement Systems will likely be resolved.
How To Occupy Wall Street With A Main-Street Agenda – This article provides an overview of four proposals that the Occupy Wall Street movement should promote in order to make improvements to the financial services industry.
Eight Inventions That Made Our Lives Easier – This article provides an overview of some of the key inventions in the fields of finance, technology, healthcare, food, and energy, and provides an overview of the changes that have been made by the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
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